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St John's CE First School

Year 4 

Year 4 is an exciting place to be at St John’s. Being the oldest children in the school, we know that we are role models for the younger children and we take on lots of extra responsibilities. As in previous years, we also have the chance to become members of the Worship Team or School Council, with a real opportunity to make a difference to the wider life of the school through campaigns, fundraising and putting forward the student voice.

Miss Elston is our class teacher. 

Our cross-curricular topics during the year will include: The Romans, Habitats and the Ancient Egyptians. As well as exploring these exciting topics through our reading and writing, we enjoy creating thematic dance, music and drama as much as possible.

Throughout the year and particularly in the summer term, we start preparing to take our next steps beyond St John's. The climax of the Year 4 experience is the residential visit to Leeson House, where we get the chance to enjoy lots of great outdoor activities.